Tourism Policy Responsible

Conscious of the importance of maintaining sustainable tourism development, and taking on board the principles and objectives specifically adopted at the 2015 World Summit on Sustainable Development, COP 21 and the World Charter on Sustainable Tourism + 20, the tourist town of L’AQUÀRIUM DE BARCELONA is committed to carrying out sustainable management of all its actions, adopting commitments aimed at preventing, eliminating and reducing its negative impact and implementing policies of continuous improvement with regard to its behaviour with regard to the environment, and commitments made.

In the same vein, we have adopted the following Responsible Tourism Policy, whereby they undertake to meet the requirements set out in the BIOSPHERE accession, including, among other things, the legal requirements governing the effects generated by tourism.

In addition, the administration is committed to promoting and raising awareness of good environmental practices in the environment and to reporting on the environmental actions implemented. We are committed to raising awareness, motivating and training our staff, about the principles governing the present and future of our destiny and responsible tourism.

One of our main aims is to perfect the sustainable management of fate, by making commitments for continuous improvement in all areas of sustainability: social, economic, cultural, environmental … and by subjecting our actions to criteria of sustainability and efficiency, in the use of our resources.

This Responsible Tourism Policy will be updated whenever circumstances require it, adopting and publishing new sustainability objectives in both cases.