Pennant coralfish
Heniochus acuminatus
MAximum length
25 cm
The pennant coralfish is a fish with a body compressed on the side. It lives on the coral reefs at a depth of between 2 and 75 m, although it is usually at some 15 m. It has a colouring with two black and white transversal bands, and yellow caudal, pectoral and second dorsal fins. The dorsal fin is long and reminds us of a banner or flag. It has a beak-shaped face.
This fish usually lives alone or in a couple and rarely in small groups.
It feeds on zooplankton and benthonic invertebrates. The young may be cleaners of other fish and eat their parasites.
It is oviparous and lays pelagic eggs that float freely in the water.
Interesting facts
It is ordinarily called the bannerfish due to the large dorsal fin that reminds us of a raised flag.